Theatre review: Sleeping Giant, Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh

Sleeping Giant, Assembly Rooms (Venue 20)Sleeping Giant, Assembly Rooms (Venue 20)
Sleeping Giant, Assembly Rooms (Venue 20)
With the glossy polish of an American TV sitcom, LA-based writer Steve Yockey's snappy and surprising drama has a twisting, turning plot that, like the serpent-like monster at the heart of the drama and bottom of a nearby lake, weaves it way into unusual places.

Sleeping Giant, Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh * * *

Ryan has just set off a load of fireworks, inspired by the ritualistic marriage proposals he's been reading about in his weird sounding book – something that comes back to haunt him and everyone else who's living in the area through a series of cleverly connected scenes, after he disturbs a sinister force.

The polished four-person cast conjure up a variety of comic characters, many of whom are obsessed with "happiness and health" – each one recognisable in an LA kind of way, but also, as it increasingly becomes apparent, somewhat sinister. Like a small but clever jigsaw, the piece is fun rather than profound, but feels like an analogy for dealing with uncertainty at a time of Trump and Brexit – one that asks whether it's easier to go along with unsettling things, or just say 'sod it' and leave when a serpent worshipping cult takes control of your town.

Until 24 August