Letter: Bahrain farce

IT IS hardly surprising that the extremely rich controllers of Formula 1 have tried conveniently to distance themselves from the political arena, which is Bahrain today.

They claim that allowing the F1 race to continue will highlight to the world the normality of Bahrain and the progress it is making towards great reform.

The consideration of this, against the reality of the autocratic governance by the King of Bahrain and his family, who order daily killings of their own citizens to suppress civil rights for democracy, is totally unacceptable and unpalatable.

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A further consideration is the culpability of BBC Scotland, which is broadcasting highlights of the race.

I don’t confess to knowing how much autonomy BBC Scotland has from the national network, but surely this broadcast was wrong for the people of Scotland?

Scots are, by nature, great supporters of the oppressed and persecuted as our own history shows. Many Scots volunteered to fight against fascism in the Spanish Civil War, and as an nation are proud of the fight and support we have given to others. BBC Scotland’s role must be representative of the people, and not to be seen to condone dictatorships.


Brook Street

Broughty Ferry
