Letter: Pet peeves

IN HER article, "It's A Dog's Life" (Insight, 2 May), Dani Garavelli includes details which demonstrate that pets who live in the lap of luxury are not always the best off.

For example, Mary Burton, who left her 30,000 estate to the Wood Green Animal Shelter on condition that the staff provided her cat, Fluffy, with lots of goodies to eat and "only milk, no water" is not in the best interests of Fluffy. Cats may lap up dairy milk, but it's not good for them. The only milk cats should drink is cat milk, from their mother, when they are kittens. Adult cats are much better off with water.

While not wishing to be too pedantic, when Garavelli writes, "pets who have been piling on the pounds are advised on diet and exercise", presumably she means that their "owners" are given the advice.

Sandra Busell, Edinburgh

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