Letter: Tunnel vision

JE TODD (Letters, 12 February) perhaps isn't aware that the profile of the Forth river and approaches renders a tunnel impractical. Then, of course, there are the small matters of fire hazard, terrorist target, flooding, earthquake, unsafe cargoes, and accident and/or breakdown blockage.

The proposed bridge is to cost (allowing for inflation) eight times the original despite using far less labour and steel. The logical option remains a causeway upstream of Rosyth. This can be as wide as you like, can have intelligent shipping locks that guarantee non-stop traffic flows, and will protect against the hinterland flooding that accompanies global warming. It is also cheaper, safer and quicker.

It won't be as prestigious, of course, and that counts among politicians who aren't, after all, spending their own money on the proposed bridge.

Tim Flinn

Garvald, East Lothian

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