Ryder Cup 2012: Marvels and mysteries of the ‘Miracle at Medinah’

IT WILL go down as the ‘Medinah Miracle’. The day Europe, not for the first time in recent Ryder Cup contests, dug deep into the tank and found something special to sicken the Americans.

The 39th Ryder Cup was theirs for the taking with a four-point lead heading into the singles. The moment Brookline was brought up, however, you just knew the Europeans believed they had a glimmer of hope.

It was there, back in 1999, that America had pulled off the event’s greatest comeback. They came from 10-6 down to beat a team that, in fairness, was badly captained by Mark James. It finished 14½-13½ there, as it did at Medinah after Europe handed the home team a big fat dollop of their own medicine. How fitting that Jose Maria Olazabal, the man who saw people run on the green in Boston in his singles match in Boston, should be the European captain on this occasion.

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