Compact crossword - The Scotsman 12/08/15

Wednesday’s puzzle


1 During leave of absence (2,8)

7 Kissing amorously (7)

8 Proportion (5)

10 Bard (4)

11 _ _ __ with, equal with (2,1,5)

13 Part of the eye (6)

15 Decimal (6)

17 Amerigo _, navigator (8)

18 Baptismal vessel (4)

21 Tab (5)

22 Highly-seasoned sausage (7)

23 From time to time (2,8)


1 Exactly the right moment (2,3)

2 Flick (4)

3 Interim ruler (6)

4 Receiving public assistance (2,6)

5 Surmount (3,4)

6 Without obligation to buy (2,8)

9 Outside the studio for filming (2,8)

12 Openly (2,6)

14 _ - _ treaty (4-3)

16 Wattle (6)

19 Pungent bulb (5)

20 Cartoon bear (4)