Compact crossword - The Scotsman 24/02/14

Monday’s puzzle...


1 Bad-tempered person (10)

8 Fundamental (7)

9 Investor (5)

10 Foot-covering (4)

11 Blemish (4)

12 Long-leaved lettuce (3)

14 Consolation (6)

15 Interlocking lines in shape of 20th letter (1-5)

18 Island county in England (1, 1, 1)

20 Woodwind instrument (4)

21 Boss of a shield (4)

23 Angry (5)

24 Thwarted (7)

25 Skull and _______ (10)


1 Addition to a will (7)

2 Expression of pain (4)

3 Quartz (6)

4 Theoretical (8)

5 Municipal (5)

6 Embroidery (5-6)

7 Enter into a dispute (5,6)

13 The other column of clues (8)

16 Diffusion of liquids (7)

17 Young animal (3-3)

19 Suitor (5)

22 Small hard growth on foot (4)

Saturday’s solution

Across: 7 In high spirits, 9 Deadpan, 10 Haver, 11 Axed, 12 Chart, 16 Bozos, 17 Yogi, 21 Laird, 22 Immoral, 23 Take the strain.

Down: 1 Wind-bag, 2 Cheated, 3 Egypt, 4 Zithers, 5 Sieve, 6 Usurp, 8 Synchronise, 13 Cordite, 14 Journal, 15 Violent, 18 Slate, 19 Risky, 20 Smite.